We have access to a vast network of suppliers but the ultimate goal of sourcing is to receive the best value. Sometimes the best value will come from assigning all of the award to a single supplier, other times it will require splitting the award between six suppliers depending on product costs, shipping costs, import/export tariffs, and so on. So, supplier count alone is not a good metric.
Reliability (Remember - if they let you down, you may let your customer down.
Quality (The quality of your supplies needs to be consistent - your customers associate poor quality with you, not your suppliers.)
Value for money (The lowest price is not always the best value for money. If you want reliability and quality from your suppliers, you'll have to decide how much you're willing to pay for your supplies and the balance you want to strike between cost, reliability, quality and service.)
Strong service and clear communication (You need your suppliers to deliver on time, or to be honest and give you plenty of warning if they can't. The best suppliers will want to talk with you regularly to find out what needs you have and how they can serve you better.)
Financial security (It's always worth making sure your supplier has sufficiently strong cash flow to deliver what you want, when you need it. A credit check will help reassure you that they won't go out of business when you need them most.)
A partnership approach (A strong relationship will benefit both sides. You want your suppliers to acknowledge how important your business is to them, so they make every effort to provide the best service possible. And you're more likely to create this response by showing your supplier how important they are to your business.)